Jewelry and watch repair are great businesses. Have you thought about how Smart Phones are like jewelry? The iPhone is like a “Swiss Watch” , isn’t it? Why not repair them? Could you use an easy extra $50k a year? Put the pedal down a little harder, and “$100k will make your day” and your year!
The iPhone is the first really good touch screen device ever. A new era called: “Don’t throw it away, find somebody to repair it!” has arrived! The iPhone is expensive, very well loved, and so it gets repaired (and yeah, the giant sucking recession that’s suppose to be over is part of it too).
MONEY is why you’re interested. The average net profit per repair is $40. The top people can do the repair in as little as 3 minutes. I timed my son on a couple of recent repairs and he was right at 10 minutes, while talking to the customer the entire time. Parts are about $10. He typically get $50, it depends on the setting. In a nice jewelry store, getting $89 or $99 would be cake. Why? The Apple Store gets $200 to $250. NONE of the warranties cover the glass – Period!
90% of the repairs are for broken glass on the touch screen. Because of the way the phone is constructed, it just makes sense to also replace the digitizer which is just below the glass. The architecture of the iPhone is a amazing. It seems very fragile, but generally, it’s a tough little Uber-Goober – except for the glass! We do about 7 other repairs to the iPhone.
Demand is nuts and growing explosively because all the new glass screen devices being introduced. As a recent test we placed 3 ads. 3 days later we had taken calls for $2,000 in iPhone and iPod repairs. Next: